Editorial by Father Emmanuel
To dare…
On 7 October, I was returning by train from a prayer vigil in Padua, Italy, at around 8.30pm. To my surprise, there were no taxis. My hotel was 7 km away, so I started walking in the hope of meeting a generous soul. Before long, I saw a refreshment bar; I went in and spoke to a lady who immediately offered to drive me to the hotel. As we came near her car, I heard her companions call her back vehemently and a heated discussion broke out between them. She gave up. I was to be saved by a brave man who dared. He spoke Italian, I spoke English, but the message got through and the barriers fell down.
On 13 November, I arrived at Stadl-Paura, Austria, for an appointment with an organisation called “Miva”, about the purchase of six motorbikes for fellow priests.
. It was pouring with rain at the station. When I wanted to call a taxi, an employee told me that there was none and said that it was a 20-minute walk to the hotel.
So I set off and 20 minutes went by, but no hotel in sight; the rain kept falling and I was soaked to the skin.
I waved to the passing drivers, but they ignored me…
A closed level-crossing would save the day. I begged for help, from one car to another, a dozen times – in vain.
At last, someone dared roll down the window, look at me, listen to me and finally give me a lift. He spoke German, I spoke English; in fact, we understood each other through the language of the heart. Outside the hotel, the man made sure I found the key hidden in a coded box, as the reception had closed at 2pm. There was no restaurant nearby and my saviour had left – it did not matter, I had a roof over my head.
I had forgotten about my early lonely months in Strasbourg. It was winter then, and I did not even notice that I had no appropriate shoes for the snow as I wandered back and forth – especially on Sundays – over the bridge between France and Germany.
In Italy and Austria, I meditated on the loneliness in our world, a loneliness that extends far beyond the reminders I had experienced, an emptiness that the apparent abundance hides and disguises.
I do wish that our contemporaries escape the blinding lights and deafening music that claim to stand for Christmas but do not sow Joy.
To you who dared push the horizon beyond the seas, to you who dared welcome me, hear the distress of my brothers and trust me, I express my deep gratitude.
Alone, I could not do anything, but thanks to you, the impossible became achievable.
There was no shelter for Mary and Joseph in Bethlehem; Jesus, the Saviour of the world, was born there!
May Christmas be the occasion for you to get back to basics, to experience profound joy, sharing and peace!
From the bottom of my heart, I wish you happy festive days!
Father Emmanuel
Dear friends,
How can we dare say “joy” when the internet, radio and TV networks are overloaded with tragic information, when current events tend to force us into darkness if we are not careful?
And yet, in places with the same temporalities, we are invited to celebrate age-old events which bear hope, such as Christmas. Christians and non-Christians alike, young and old, look forward to the joy of celebrating, exchanging gifts and treats. In the worst conflicts, the Christmas truce reiterates the call for peace, despite the deafness of humanity.
Without peace, there can be no joy. By providing paid work, care and education, Afrique Future contributes to peace. Each and every one of you, members or donors, know how to lend an ear and to look at the misery that, although distant, resonates with you through Father Emmanuel and his friends.
Vanity is an alien word to us, while our hearts are filled with noble pride that encourages us to continue our fruitful efforts.
Over the last 35 years, Afrique Future has changed a tiny part of the vast world, but isn’t the vast world made up of such tiny parts?
I thank you warmly.
Let us welcome Christmas in all its strength, let us receive its promises of true Life, let us be the bearers of such happiness!
I wish you a beautiful festive season, and thank you once again.
Bernadette Escher
Father Emmanuel Marie MBOCK MBOCK’s unwavering determination to improve the performance of his educational institutions is constantly evident. Afrique Future strives to offer the right working conditions, in terms of the quality of human resources, continuing education, facilities and equipment.
The Emana school complex received special attention these past two years, and the results of the official examinations for the 2023 session were promising: 100% success rate on the BEPC (certificate awarded after the first four years of GSE), 87.5% on the probatoire (GSE exam before baccalauréat), 89% on the French baccalauréat (A Levels).
Our pupil numbers rose from 430 to 466, i.e. 243 girls and 223 boys. Let’s note that girls were in the lead in terms of both numbers and results.
On the strength of this potential, our teaching activities were conducted in accordance with the following provisions:
the 2023/2024 school year opened with a seminar on capacity-building for teachers, led by a team of twelve educational inspectors from the Délégation Régionale des Enseignements Secondaires du Centre. The focus was on the digitalisation of teaching.
The science laboratory has been operational since the year 2021-2022, allowing practical experimental work to complement the theoretical lessons. Microscopes and white coats arouse vocations.
The library has been tiled, enlarged and fitted out so that up to 60 people can be invited and spurred to discover the hidden secrets of books. It allows our special French and English language skills-building programme to be turned into practical activities. There is a permanent person in charge who welcomes students during study hours, while teachers can work there with a whole class.
The Multimedia Centre , the jewel in the crown at the start of this year – represents a major investment in the sense of an avant-garde structure, in accordance with the requirements of the Ministry of Secondary Education, which should definitely bring our school into line with the latest developments and demands of digitalisation.
The project must comply with the provisions of the Regional Education Office. The hall has been enlarged, renovated and air-conditioned, and now includes sixty workstations, according to the recommended safety conditions and video projection equipment.
As well as providing teaching/learning facilities for computer science, it was a sine qua non for approval for the new specialization in IT (Information Technology).
Another fully equipped room offers teachers in all subjects the possibility of digitalised teaching via a video-projector or a TV screen.
Aware of the importance of the French language as a cross-cutting working tool in our French-speaking sub-system, the school management is multiplying strategies, including the specific programme aimed at learning the fundamentals of the French language. In the first four years of secondary school, the traditional processes of acquiring vocabulary, writing and grammar, in particular through dictations, essays and reading, have come into use again.
Afrique Future aims to give young people from all walks of life
the best chances of self-building for a future to be built!
The Deputy Principal, Manfred Bell-Nouga
We invite you to consult the article specially dedicated to this subject
Now I understand better the attitude of Diogenes, the philosopher who walked through the streets of Athens in broad daylight, lamp in hand, saying: “I’m looking for a man“. I too would walk the path with him, continuing to search for that man. How can we understand that a two-year-old child was rejected and called a sorcerer?
This is the story of Adrien (not his real name) who was two years old when his mother died and his father made off and abandoned him. His aunt, who was entrusted with his care at the time, suspected him of being a sorcerer because of so many unfortunate events. In order to get rid of him, she sent him to an orphanage, but not without labelling him as a sorcerer.
The prophetess in charge of the orphanage now knew that there was a little sorcerer among her brats. The other orphans were also informed that they would from now on be living with a “NVOO-NVOO” – or sorcerer in one of our languages. The boy was not allowed to speak to anyone, he was left alone in his corner, occasionally getting meals and a little water for his bath.
So, it was a near human wreck that was admitted to Emana Deo Gratias Hospital – sickly, shying away from everyone’s gaze, with a prurigo-like skin rash. He was thirteen (13) years old and, according to the person accompanying him, was in the first year of elementary school.
After examination of the facts and the doctor’s diagnosis, Adrien was found to be suffering from complicated pneumonia, severe anaemia (4g/dl), acute malnutrition and recently discovered HIV immunodepression – in short, a kind of Pandora’s box.
Adrien was cared for, free of charge, with such human warmth that, just after two weeks in hospital, he had found again a child’s face and joy.
Indeed, it is the humanity of medical care that gives life back.
The boy had received both technical care (thanks to our high-quality equipment) and human care from the hands of his new Emana Deo Gratias’ uncles and aunties, who brought him sometimes biscuits, sometimes yoghurt. It was extraordinary to see such a transformation.
Our staff spread light in a dark world.
A providential door now stands open for Adrien. We had a nice chat with his aunt who accepted to take him out of the orphanage and take him in.
Afrique Future has agreed to cover some of his expenses, in particular his schooling, school supplies and medical care in case of health problems. So far, his aunt has faithfully attended the appointments for his antiretroviral treatment.
Hope becomes reality thanks to those who believe and take action.
Anne-Blandine NGO TIGYO
Executive Director, Emana Deo Gratias Hospital
Black Sunday for the people of Mbankolo. The evening of 8 October 2023 was sadly and appallingly marked by a landslide in an area called Nkol-Etam Lac, in the village of Oliga-Mbankolo. Heavy rain and then the pressure of torrential downpours caused a dyke – built in colonial times to create an artificial lake on the slope of one of the local hills – to break. The entire lake washed over the hillside homes, causing major loss of life and extensive material damage.
The official toll was over 30 dead, 3 missing and many injured. The local population transported the injured to hospitals, including ours in Oliga.
Many of the victims required scans, but we do not have any MRI scanner, so three adults suffering multiple injuries and a one-month-old baby remained in Oliga.
Nevertheless, a large influx of casualties passed through our departments and the team in place worked efficiently; it included nurses from our various departments and a doctor colleague who had returned from home (a triage station at the hospital entrance, a support station in the garage to clean the casualties pulled out of the mud, treatment stations with two staff for each patient).
Diagnosis, suturing, dressing, emergency intravenous injections were performed, painkillers were administered…
Beyond physical care, the patients received psychological and spiritual assistance. A nun nurse would listen to the people who had undergone suffering and anguish, and a requiem mass was celebrated for the victims within the hospital.
Just like a flower that manages to find its way between the concrete slabs, a beautiful story was born in the chaos of events.
Messanga Bertin, a medical imaging technician working in our facilities, was just leaving a professional meeting when he heard of the disaster. He rushed to Oliga hospital and decided, with three colleagues, to go to the rescue. On his way, he heard a baby crying. He walked towards the place where the sounds were coming from and he arrived there first. He asked bystanders to be silent so as to allow a precise location. Using a screwdriver he found by chance, he was able to free the child from the pile of mud, concrete blocks, planks and iron.
The baby had only minor injuries, and he was soon reunited with his mother who was already in hospital in Oliga!
The baby would be known as the “Mbankolo Miracle” and Messanga Bertin remembered as a hero.
Cameroon’s administrative authorities, including the Minister of Territorial Administration and the Minister of Housing and Development, came to visit the injured and salute the bravery of the Oliga staff.
Epse TACHIM , Infirmière et Doctorante en Santé Publique, en poste au Service de Néonatalogie du Centre Hospitalier Mère et Enfant Deo Gratias Oliga, Yaoundé.
On Friday 27 October 2023, when the woman patient had been placed on the operating table and put under general anaesthetic for a coelioscopy indicated for secondary sterility, when all the equipment was ready for the operation and the gynaecologists were all dressed up, a sudden and serious problem arose.
Both the optics of the laparoscopyic column that allows the patient’s abdomen to be viewed and the generator would not power up! At 2pm, there was panic in the operating theatre; what was to be done? That’s when I came up with the idea of calling the General Supervisor at our hospital in Oliga and asking him to lend us their equipment. Travel time had never seemed so long and I imagined myself, really stressed out, putting my own foot on the accelerator in place of the driver. The patient was still under anaesthetic and the surgeons would be watching out impatiently for my imminent arrival.
In my worst-case scenario, I anticipated the patient’s family in a rage, blaming us for the death of their relative. Just to think of it made me mad!
Thank God, the operation ended well, at around 6pm. I took the equipment back to Oliga, for fear of a possible emergency at the weekend.
in charge of the Operating Theatre,
Emana Deo Gratia Hospital
The Deo Gratias Boko Catholic Hospital opened its doors on 17/12/2007 in the Littoral region, Wouri, Douala 3rd district, Boko health area.
For a population of 8,706, the hospital has 29 beds and is equipped with all the necessary services: medicine, paediatrics, maternity, gynaecology, surgery, laboratory and vaccination.
Renowned for the competence of its staff and the excellent care provided to patients, the Afrique Future hospital was to be one of the best.
Sadly, a dramatic descent into hell started in 2016 when the access road deteriorated and became impassable.
Numerous steps were taken, resulting in just as many unfulfilled promises, and activities have steadily declined to the present day. The other A.F. hospitals are supporting us in order to cover our costs which have become unsustainable.
Although our staff are motivated and available, we are… the sick child of all our hospitals.
With the population, we strive to provide a warm welcome and good care, and to adapt to the needs of our patients, but what can we do with one of the worst access roads?
We still want to believe that the Cameroonian government will finally make the road passable again, and we hope to bring a smile back to the patients of Boko and the surrounding area.
We would like to thank our Managing Director, Mrs Anne Blandine TIGYO, who keeps listening to our various problems, and we are particularly grateful to Mr Ali ABBA, a benefactor who helps us finance the treatment of needy patients.
In a word, we ask our management hierarchy and colleagues for their tireless support with confidence in a better future.
Marie-Rose Mbock, Deputy Director
It was barely 9am on Friday 27 October 2023 when I began my consultations with a 33-year-old woman who was 22 weeks pregnant and had vaginal bleeding during the night. At the time I saw her, she was no longer bleeding and she assured me that an ultrasound scan done a few days earlier for the same problem had revealed nothing remarkable. I thought it was threatened abortion, and during the vaginal examination, I felt a small, soft mass through a soft cervix that barely admitted a finger. Just as I was about to remove my finger, I noticed active bleeding of bright red blood, like a tap turned on at high pressure.
I rushed to the maternity ward, calling for help. All the staff mobilised instantly – midwives, anaesthetists, doctors, laboratory technicians and even cleaning staff – all racing to save a life. In the operating theatre, unfortunately, a total haemostasis hysterectomy had to be performed to save her life, despite the unsuccessful attempts to preserve the uterus. It must be noted that during this stressful and exhausting intervention, the patient received a total of 4 bags of blood and lost around 3 litres. It was an enormous, difficult operation, but we left the operating theatre with the patient alive.
While writing about this case which was handled with great professionalism and commitment, I wish to congratulate in particular all the staff at Emana Deo Gratias Hospital, who put their heart and soul into it. Indeed, I’d like to compliment and pay tribute to all of you – nurses, doctors and service agents – because recognition of your prowess is rare, while reproaches are easy and often accompanied by a variety of rude names when the worst happens.
My special thanks go to Major Wayim Sandrine and her entire team, Ms BAOG Cécile and Mr Essomé Henri for their dexterity and composure, Dr Olomo, who came especially to support the anaesthetists, Mr MBEZE Barthélémy, the undisputable and undisputed operating assistant and all his team in the operating theatre, my dear friends in the lab for their promptness in supplying the blood bags for transfusion, Dr Béké and Prof Noa for their helpful advice over the telephone, and the Deo Gratias Hospital in Emana for its blood bank which is always well-stocked.
Be proud of what you do, even when many people think that we just sit around doing nothing in hospitals. Once again, congratulations to the winning medical team of the day.
Dr Mando Emmanuel, Gynaecologist-Obstetrician
Loading the container in France
Our 4 hospitals, 2 school complexes and 3 welcome centres regularly need equipment and furniture, either for expansion or replacement. Some purchases were made in France or Europe for a higher quality of goods than that in Cameroon.
For the second consecutive year, the Portmann Transport Company based in Illzach accepted to store the deliveries free of charge as they came in, and allowed us to pack the container in their warehouses.
The container was loaded on 9 August after several postponements due to missed delivery deadlines. The goods to be shipped included medical equipment and furniture (sterilisers, dopplers, oxygen concentrators, blood bank fridges, anti-bedsore mattresses).
Two suppliers were lagging behind. One delivered 4 of the ten items, ordered in January and May, two days before loading, while the other delivered 1/3 of the order on the day of loading. I demanded that the rest be shipped by air at his expense. Given the administrative delays, the equipment finally arrived on 10 November.
To optimise space in the container, Michel prepared the load by calculating the space required according to the dimensions of the packages, their weight and fragility, not forgetting the necessary balance of the cargo.
The Portmann Company very kindly provided handling equipment, which made it easier to load the largest and heaviest items, such as the electric generators.
At 3 p.m., the container doors were locked, the container was loaded on a lorry and we breathed a sigh of relief, in good humour. We wish to thank here all the volunteers who accepted to devote a day to their Cameroonian brothers!
Unloading the container in Cameroon
Shipped on 9 August 2023 from the Portmann warehouses in Illzach, the container finally arrived in Yaounde Emana on 12 October.
It had entered the port of Kribi on 20 September; the customs declarant had started the administrative procedures at the end of August, thanks to the supporting documents we had sent him. Customs fees and other charges were paid at the end of September. The container was due to leave for Emana by road on 3 October, but the port authorities blocked all exits due to a computer failure.
It arrived during the night of 12 to 13 October, unexpectedly! When I went out, I saw men coming in large numbers, mostly young and unemployed, attracted by the container with the hope of earning some money. The container was unpacked by hand, the heavier goods were loaded on to a vehicle, and the lighter ones carried on the head, and on foot, to the storage warehouse.
Françoise Schirmer
For more details, see the article “From Alsace to Cameroon” by clicking on the following link
Two young Americans of Cameroonian origin, wishing to discover their homeland, arrived at Mbankolo where they would be staying during their visit.
Eager to feel the vibes they were looking for, they would travel without spare clothing, so as to adopt the local customs and colours. They bought boubous and kabas on the market, and also got tattoos… Cameroonian style.
Quite naturally, they hired a 60-seat bus for themselves, accompanied by their interpreter and their bodyguard. That way, they could move around comfortably and escape the heat.
This was probably their own way of living in Africa without disavowing America. Now the question is, in what state of mind did they return to America without disavowing Africa?
On 6 January, 80 young people and 20 adults took part in the Three Kings’ celebration in Kork, while the same event took place in Forth (Nurnberg). The funds raised went to P.M.K., an organisation that supports schooling in the Third World, including our Ngodi-Si complex.
At the end of January, the school where Elisabeth Himbert teaches, organised an open day and sold cakes for the benefit of A.F., with an exhibition of photos of the projects achieved in Cameroon.
In July and September, two-day flea markets were held in Willstätt.
On 26 November, a mass was celebrated in Kork, followed by a meal with, among others, the two young doctors Anna Heldmann and Benedict Traub, who had spent six weeks in our hospitals in Cameroon and now tell about their experience.
They witness:
Once back home in Germany, we would again wear our seatbelts, respect speed limits, avoid honking in bends or when overtaking, in fact we stopped honking altogether. To the recurring question “what was it like in Cameroon?”, our answer was short: “different”. Too short, actually, that’s why we’ve selected here a few things that left a lasting impression on us.
Leaving Europe for the first time, we discovered the savannah, the tropical forest, the Atlantic Ocean – everything looked magnificent.
The food was mainly plantain bananas and rice. Well cooked, indeed, but somewhat too spicy for our palates and stomachs… and the colon sometimes protested!
We also discovered the delicious flavour of exotic fruits ripened in the sun, and now, the ones we get here taste bland and watery.
As for the health system, we sometimes felt puzzled. Not because we found that the “pay first, treat later” system was great, but because the paperwork was kept to a minimum and… it worked! Each patient has a health booklet in which the doctor records their medical history, diagnoses and therapies. It gets stamped, and that’s it. The patient takes the booklet with him/her and presents it to the next doctor. The time saved is enormous. No telephone calls to ask for results, no need to find out what medicines were prescribed by the family doctor (who is always difficult to reach). Why is less time devoted to the patient in Germany? For legal reasons: everything has to be documented. In Cameroon, the doctor is still a doctor…
We discovered the influence of “traditional African medicine” when we talked to people in our meetings. For example, a 30-year-old mother of three who suffered from abdominal pains had been treated by a healer for two weeks. She had to drink a herbal decoction mixed with animal intestines… Her abdominal pains had not disappeared, her belly had thickened during the “treatment” and she was becoming weaker and weaker and tired. The healer claimed that this was a good sign, that the treatment was working. When the woman decided to go to hospital, her haemoglobin level was 4 (the norm for women is 12-14; in Germany, if the level is below 8, a blood transfusion is planned). Surgery on this woman revealed that she was suffering from an ectopic pregnancy and a uterine rupture was causing massive, life-threatening haemorrhage. Fortunately for her, she was admitted to hospital despite her family’s opposition, otherwise she would not have survived.
And to conclude, let’s come back to road traffic… Usually, 4 people at least can get on a motorbike. A minibus holds at least 20 people, and parcels that don’t fit in the car are tied up at the back, on the roof or at the front with ropes. What about the highway code? Well, it does exist… in theory. In fact, there would be much more to tell…
Benedict Traub and Anna Heidmann, Doctors
We mourn the passing of Mrs A. Eckert. Agnès’ smile and generous heart will remain in our memories.
From 3 to 6 March 2023, we were present at the Waldighoffen fair, where year after year, Daniel and Michel faithfully set up our AF stand generously provided by Mr Heinis. On 9 August, a container left Alsace for Cameroon (see article). In November, we renewed our champagne promotion which attracts more and more customers, to our great satisfaction. On 17 November, Philippe Rousseaux’s benefit clown show was sold out; on 19 November, our annual sauerkraut lunch in Pfastatt was a happy occasion to meet up without protective masks. On 2 December, we sold Christmas trees at Leclerc supermarket in Rixheim; with passion and patience, Daniel Kuntzmann and Michel Meyer made and decorated Christmas stars and trees which pleased all for their quality and originality. On 3 December, our friends from Hégenheim celebrated A. F. with a mass and a collection of donations. On 10 December, the “Trombinacoolos” quartet gave a benefit concert in Ste Geneviève’s church, Mulhouse, which the Parish council had kindly made available free of charge. Finally, at the end of November, a container from HIOB left Switzerland for Cameroon, loaded with medical equipment, hospital beds, etc.
On 20 April, the annual festive meal was held in Montreal, providing an opportunity to meet Father Emmanuel and other donors. A second, unexpected event was organised by Cyrille Nyeck on 15 October in Oshawa (Toronto). Mrs Nathalie O’Neil, former Canadian Commissioner to Cameroon, and her husband were the only “white” people there, and Father Emmanuel was delighted to present his work to his compatriots in exile across the Atlantic, who now support A.F.
Good evening everyone,
It’s a pleasure to be with you this evening.
As Deacon Cyrille said, I was very, very lucky and honoured to represent Canada in Cameroon.
I was very sad to leave Cameroon; Cameroon has a big place in my heart.
One of the reasons it has such a special place in my heart is that I had the great privilege of meeting Abbé Emmanuel.
We’ve heard tonight about what Afrique Future is doing in Cameroon, but I’ve been lucky enough to see what Afrique Future is actually doing in the field.
I met women, children and men who could benefit from what Afrique Future had to offer.
To those who know Abbé Emmanuel, it is nothing new that he never tires of talking about the importance of building bridges, the importance of creating human relationships; in the field, in addition to these relationships, Afrique Future is building real bridges, bridges to give children and students access to schools, to facilitate access to water for women, to ensure that certain villages are less isolated.
I travelled across Cameroon with Abbé Emmanuel, and we went to his beautiful village of Ngodi where he had built the church and the school, and trained teachers.
In Yaoundé, I had the privilege of inaugurating the new Oliga hospital in the Mbankolo district of Yaoundé – a project that was partly funded by Canada – in which the focus is on women’s and children’s health.
For me, this complex is a major achievement; and it’s only one among the other A.F. hospitals and dispensaries I visited in Cameroon. I also had the pleasure of visiting schools built and run by A.F. and I can tell you that I agree with the deacon when he says that Abbé Emmanuel is an example of morality. I’ve never met such a tireless person as Abbé Emmanuel; the work he does in the field is extraordinary and it’s A.F.’s good luck to have him as their leader: he is a highly dedicated and successful leader.
Apart from the goals he has accomplished – hospitals, dispensaries, farmland and schools – Abbé Emmanuel tries, without judging people, to really encourage Africans, Cameroonians, to take charge of their own lives, to choose, to decide on their needs and interests, to build their own future.
You are here this evening to celebrate the deacon’s birthday, but also to support A.F., and I would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart on behalf of this organisation which is dear to my heart, and I can assure you that your support is well invested.
During a pastoral visit to MINKA, a parish in the diocese of Eséka, Father Emmanuel met with the elite who always travel to their home villages for important events. On this occasion, Father Emmanuel invited Mrs Irène Nguènè, Minister of Social Affairs, to have a look at the A.F. projects which she did not know about. Mrs Nguènè came on 24 July and was surprised at everything she discovered. She warmly congratulated Father Emmanuel and his teams.
At NGODI-SI, the two water wells – one near the hospital, the other halfway between the school and the staff lodgings – have been brought back into operation to the great satisfaction of the population. A person in charge opens the access three times a day to allow reasonable use.
The toilets at the primary school had become unusable. The necessary work has been done before the start of the new school year in September 2023.
Let’s face it: the various media readily condemn us to stoning with images. Or to blindness, through exposure to television gone crazy since it has been cut from reality.
My phone doesn’t cry, it purrs.
Rrrr…Rrrr…Knock, knock, knock! Come in!
When my mobile phone goes into tam-tam mode, it announces a shower of photos arriving from Cameroon. It’s my own weather forecast.
Is my mobile phone the home of crazy people? – Yes, as long as they are nuts about undoing knots in order to weave bonds – albeit virtual ones – between people like you and me, whose talent and empathy would remain unknown without them. And even in a virtual world, talent and empathy are both real and universal values.
Photos become slideshows, projecting onto a large screen the daily lives of hundreds of people who, despite their great misery, keep wearing a broad smile – a smile of hope!
Come on, mates! Let’s get our hands dirty and do a clean job!
Marie-Noëlle MEYER WEISS, the foot whisperer
Afrique Future France volunteer (and podiatrist).